Old house at Maidopis – Arcu 'e Tidu C-814

The pathway
Useful informations
You set off in front of the Botanic Garden of Maidopis, continuing on the dirt road in a south-easterly direction, keeping on your left the structures of the Forestas forestry authority
and the deer enclosure. This is a steady but brief uphill section through a lovely wood, which ends in the wide open space of Arcu Sa Spina, where the firebreak track also runs through.
Head right until you come to the intersection with trail 815.
You arrive at Mount Arrubiu, from where you can spot Mount Cresia and Mount Eccas.
The trail now leads you slightly downhill over rough ground, with the vegetation gradually opening up to reveal splendid views of the peaks of Sette Fratelli and Perda Asub'e Pari. From here you take a wide, easy cart track over level ground until you come to a crossroads which, to the left, would let you quickly join trail 815.
Follow a little path that winds its way between some rocks. After a level, wide open area, you take a mule track that starts to descend steeply through a holm oak forest, initially on the back of Bruncu 'e Mesu and then moving to the left.
At the end of the descent there is a crossroads with trail 814A. Continue to the right, over level ground, crossing a small ford thanks to a little wooden bridge, after which you’ll encounter other forks that lead back to trail 815. Keep to the right, shortly rejoining the dirt road where the trail ends.
Trail data and altimetry
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Bel sentiero ! Ma troppi motociclisti cercano di passarci in mezzo!