Sant'Anna Casa del Parco - Janna 'e Ferulargiu (G 100) 2 Validation level In revisione-validazione More infos General rating There are no opinions yet Based on 0 opinions0 Reviews - view all Trail summary Path lenght 11.900 m Time lenght 4 hours 30 minutes Difficulty level More infos sui gradi di difficoltà Escursionistico Activities and warnings Pathways Activities Mountain Bike Hiking The pathway Il percorso ha una lunghezza complessiva di 13,8 km percorribili in 4 ore e 25 minuti (4 ore e 20 minuti in senso inverso).Il Sentiero condivide parte del tracciato del Sentiero Italia (Tappa Z10A) Vecchia Cantoniera di Sant’Anna – Norghio. Show more Show less Trail data and altimetry 2 Validation level In revisione-validazione More infos Path lenght 11.900 m Time lenght 4 hours 30 minutes Difficulty level More infos sui gradi di difficoltà Escursionistico Total elevation gain 966 metri Maximum altitude 1.014 metri Minimum altitude 623 metri Photogallery Sentiero G 100 - Panorama Sentiero G 100 - Panorama Sentiero G 100 - Panorama Sentiero G 100 - S'ena e Mariane Jana Sentiero G 100 - P.ta Ferulagliu Trail map Expand map Minimize fullscreen map Skip map and go the next section See on interactive map Download trail documentation G-100 GPX - 103.37 KB Related pathways Skip Pathways slider and jump to the next section Pathways Corru 'e mandra - Badde Viola - Sa 'e Tamponi (G-106) Time lenght 4 hours 15 minutes Path lenght 11 km 400 m Pathways Iscala de Su Tassu - Iscala 'Entosa (G 100A) Time lenght 30 minutes Path lenght 900 m Pathways Su Caminu 'e Carru - SP 3 - S'Ena 'e Talisi (G 102) Time lenght 30 minutes Path lenght 1 km Pathways Funtana Mariane Jana - Janna 'e Pretu Arche (G 105) Time lenght 30 minutes Path lenght 1 km 100 m Pathways Janna 'e Portellitos - Janna 'e Ferulargiu (G 107) Time lenght 1 hour 15 minutes Path lenght 2 km 600 m Pathways Siniscola - SP 3 - Iscala de Su Tassu (G 111) Time lenght 3 hours 15 minutes Path lenght 7 km 100 m Precedente Successiva Related itineraries Skip the Related itineraries slider and jump to the next section Itineraries Sentiero Italia (Tappa Z10A) Vecchia Cantoniera di Sant’Anna – Norghio Difficulty level More infos sui gradi di difficoltà Escursionista Esperto Opinions General rating There are no opinions yet Based on 0 opinions0 Reviews - view all Rating details Easy to follow: No ratings yet Challenging but rewarding: No ratings yet Dangers to watch out for: No ratings yet Have you been here before? After walking a path, you can leave a rating on your experience Rate your experience No reviews yet for this path Report any problem on the trail Have you encountered a problem during your path on the path? Don't worry, you can easily report it through this form. You will help us keep the trails in perfect condition for other hikers. Thank you for your contribution! Report a problem Editorial informations Updated on 22/02/2024 - 11:00 Created on 12/02/2024 - 10:20
Pathways Corru 'e mandra - Badde Viola - Sa 'e Tamponi (G-106) Time lenght 4 hours 15 minutes Path lenght 11 km 400 m
Pathways Funtana Mariane Jana - Janna 'e Pretu Arche (G 105) Time lenght 30 minutes Path lenght 1 km 100 m
Pathways Janna 'e Portellitos - Janna 'e Ferulargiu (G 107) Time lenght 1 hour 15 minutes Path lenght 2 km 600 m
Pathways Siniscola - SP 3 - Iscala de Su Tassu (G 111) Time lenght 3 hours 15 minutes Path lenght 7 km 100 m
Itineraries Sentiero Italia (Tappa Z10A) Vecchia Cantoniera di Sant’Anna – Norghio Difficulty level More infos sui gradi di difficoltà Escursionista Esperto