Villanova Monteleone - Monte Minerva (E 301)

Image credits Agenzia Forestas
The pathway
The E 301 trail starts from the E 203 one in a southerly direction; after about 2 km this route crosses the provincial road to Monteleone Roccadoria in the Santa Barbara area and then continues for the next 2.5 km between local farms along dirt roads.
Once reached the Filigosa stream, the trail continues to the right to go around the point where the crossing could be interrupted by the lake level.
After about 12.5 km in total (halfway), the trail reaches the slopes of Mount Minerva in the Campu agro area, where the path closes the ring that surrounds the entire massif.
The trail continues then in the direction of Palatu it comes across the equipped rest area, Environmental and Sustainability Education Center (CEAS) and the historic rose garden. The trail continues for a further 10 km following the forest track that surrounds the entire mountain, to return then to Campu agro.
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