
: description
Marmilla is a sub-region of Sardinia located in the central-southern sector of the region. It is bordered to the east and the south by Campidano, to the north-west by Mount Arci, to the north by Giara di Gesturi and by Giara di Serri, and to the east by Flumini Mannu. The landscape is predominantly hilly and includes the Giara, the Genoni plateau and the Rio Mannu basin. The main activities in this area are agriculture and tourism. The main crops are cereals, but broad bean cultivation is also widespread. Tourism in Marmilla can count on various environmental assets, numerous nuragic centres and architectural attractions. Noteworthy attractions include: Giara of Gesturi and the Mount Arci Natural Park, the Nuragic Village of Su Nuraxi in Barumini, nuraghe Cuccurada in Mogoro, the complex of Genna Maria in Villanovaforru, the fortress of Su Mulinu in Villanovafranca and the nuragic sanctuary of Santa Vittoria in Serri. Architectural structures such as the Romanesque churches of San Michele Arcangelo in Siddi, San Pietro in Villamar and San Giovanni Battista in Barumini. the Gothic parish churches of San Vito di Gergei, Santa Barbara in Genoni and Beata Vergine Immacolata in Barumini, the Castle of Las Plassas, the 16th century Casa Zapata in Barumini, the entrance portals of the historical residences of Simala, the 'sa corona arrubia museum in Lunamatrona [source: Wikipedia].
The area includes the municipalities of: Albagiara, Ales, Baressa, Barumini, Collinas, Curcuris, Furtei, Genuri, Gesturi, Gonnoscodina, Gonnostramatza, Las Plassas, Lunamatrona, Masullas, Mogoro, Morgongiori, Nureci, Pau, Pauli Arbarei, Pompu, Sanluri, Sardara, Segariu, Senis, Setzu, Siddi, Simala, Sini, Siris, Tuili, Turri, Ussaramanna, Villamar, Villanovaforru, Villanovafranca.